
Polish citizenship - News

Legal news related to Polish citizenship

ATTENTION ! - automatic translation


In the lawregulating Polish citizenship, the principle of permanent citizenshipapplies. It meansthat no one can lose Polish citizenshipunlessherenouncesithimself (Article 34 (2) of the Polish Constitution).

However, the court worked out an exception to thisso-called "Temporarycitizenship of men". According to the judicialinterpretation of the provisions of the Act of 1920 on the citizenship of the Polish State, in some cases men afterreaching a certain agelost Polish citizenship. The described exception applies to men whoduring the period of beingsubject to the duty of military service acquiredforeigncitizenship, and then as soon as theyreached the agespecified in the regulationsceased to besubject to the obligation of military service. According to the courts, thisalsomeant the loss of Polish citizenship. We are discussing the exception for the period 1920 - 1951.

Wewrote more about this on ourwebsite:


Decisionsregardingmilitary service can befoundhere:
