
text translated automatically from the Polish version

Repatriation under the Act of 1951

Judgments of courts:

  1. Resolution of the Supreme Court of 23 June 1988, III AZP 6/88

    A minor who came to Poland from another country as part of a repatriation campaign, at a time when the Act of 8 January 1951 on Polish citizenship was in force, acquired Polish citizenship by virtue of Article 10, Section 3 of that Act, even though the mother with whom she came did not have Polish citizenship before 1939 and was not of Polish nationality, but was recognized as a repatriate, while the paternity of a Polish citizen (also a repatriate) was not legally established.

  2. Supreme Court ruling of 26 April 1958, 3 CR 135/58

    The issue of whether a minor who came to Poland with his mother on the basis of repatriation documents covering both persons should be considered a repatriate and, as a result - in accordance with Article 10 of the Act on Polish Citizenship (Journal of Laws No. 4, item 25) - a Polish citizen, cannot be decided by a court, but only by the competent administrative bodies, whose decisions are not subject to court review.