Polish citizenship - News

Legal news related to Polish citizenship

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The right of permanent residence and recognition as a Polish citizen

The necessary condition that must be met by a foreigner applying for recognition as a Polish citizen is uninterrupted stay in Poland on one of the three legal bases indicated in the Polish Citizenship Act of 2009. One of such bases, in addition to the permanent residence permit and the residence permit long-term resident of the EU, constitutes the right of permanent residence. They can be purchased by European Union citizens (to whom migration regulations also treat citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) and their family members (parent, child or spouse).

The path to obtaining permanent residence is as follows.

EU citizen:

After 3 months of stay in Poland, an EU citizen who intends to settle in Poland permanently should register his/her stay. For this purpose, he must submit an application to register the residence of an EU citizen to the voivode. After registering the stay, the voivode issues a certificate of registration of the stay of an EU citizen to the foreigner.

After 5 years of registered uninterrupted stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland (however, "uninterrupted" does not actually mean continuous), an EU citizen acquires the right of permanent residence in Poland. This right is confirmed by a document issued by the voivode confirming the right of permanent residence.

Family member of an EU citizen (not himself an EU citizen):

After 3 months of stay in Poland, a family member of an EU citizen who intends to settle in Poland permanently to reunite with his or her family should register his or her stay. For this purpose, he must submit an application to register the residence of an EU citizen to the voivode. After registering your stay, the voivode issues a residence card.

After 5 years of registered uninterrupted stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland, a family member of an EU citizen acquires the right of permanent residence. This right is confirmed by a permanent residence card issued by the voivode.

From the moment of acquiring the right of permanent residence, the period of continuous residence specified in the Citizenship Act, needed to apply for recognition as a Polish citizen (which is generally 3 years, and in the case when the spouse of the foreigner applying for citizenship is a Polish citizen - 2 years) can be counted. .