Polish citizenship

The rights originating from EU citizenship

European Citizenship is a specific legal relationship that connects every individual having the citizenship of one of the Member States with the European Union. The European Citizenship is supplementary for the citizenship of a Member State. Together with acquiring Polish Citizenship, one automatically acquires the citizenship of the European Union.

Having European Citizenship involves numerous rights, which are vested on an individual in every of 28 Member States of the European Union, which together cover the major part of the European Continent.

The rights of a Polish citizen, and thereby of a European Citizen include:

  1. The freedom of movement and settlement

    Every European Citizen has the right to move and remain within the territory of other Member States freely, subject to limitations and conditions set forth in European laws.

    The Citizens of the EU are protected against discrimination by their country of origin. In principle, there is a rule of national treatment - i.e. the citizens of other Member States are to be treated just like that State's own citizens, they cannot be discriminated. Generally, if one has certain maintenance, they can live and look for employment without any obstacles or limitations or without the necessity to obtain any permit. They can also study in any Member State within the European Union.

    Within the Schengen Area, one can move freely within the territory of most of the Member States, presenting only the Polish ID card and without undergoing customs control.

  2. The participation n EU political life.

    Every Citizen of the European Union has the right to vote and be a candidate in elections for the European Parliament and to elect local authorities in the Member State, in which he or she resides, on the same terms as its citizens.

  3. Consular and diplomatic protection

    Every citizen of the European Union enjoys, within the territory of a third country where a Member State of which he or she is a citizen does not have any diplomatic centre, full diplomatic and consular protection of every of the remaining Member States of the Union, on the same terms and conditions as the citizens of that State. The assistance is provided e.g. in case of an illness or arresting.

  4. The right to re-funded treatment in case of sudden illness within the territory of European Union.

    Access to that type of services is possible with ECUZ card - which is a proof of having the right to re-funded treatment in case of sudden illness within the territory of any of the Member States. Said Card facilitates the travelling e.g. during holidays. It is to be highlighted that health care within the states of the European Union is realised on highest world-class level with the use of most modern equipment and innovative methods of treatment.

  5. Access to studying in the best schools and universities in the world.

    Having Polish citizenship, one gets an access to education within the territory of any of the Member States.

    It is to be highlighted that the level of education in European countries is very high. Pupils and students, apart from theory, also learn practical usage of their skills. In world rankings of education, European countries, including poland, are the leaders.

    Apart from an excellent level of education, schools and universities are equipped with the best multi-media equipment and scientific devices. They are being modernised on a constant basis.

    On European Universities, there is also a system named ERASMUS - a program realising the financing and organisation of year- or semester-long scholarships for students, allowing them to study at the universities of other Member States. It is an excellent opportunity to know the culture and the languages of other EU Member States.

  6. The possibility of getting the funds for micro, small and medium enterprises.

    More and more often, non-grant support for entrepreneurs is used by Member States - in the form of credit, surety or loans. The assistance is realised in particular within the ares of research projects and introduction of innovation, computerisation and ecological solutions. It may significantly facilitate the formation and the initial functioning of one's own enterprise.